Tooth Whitening

Is teeth whitening the best way to a brighter smile?

Your smile is one of your most valuable assets. It is with you for a lifetime.  It’s health and beauty form important parts of people’s identity.  It comes as no surprise then that tooth staining or tooth discoloration is one of the most common complaints that people have about their teeth. When teeth are yellow or less bright they can come across as looking unhealthy and less attractive. You don’t have to worry because we can help by teeth whitening!  Many patients visit Upland Dental Group & Implant Center unhappy with the appearance of their smile.  If you are unhappy with your smile give us a call at (909) 985-1966 for a free consultation.

The cosmetic dentistry procedures help improve the aesthetic look of the teeth and gums to give them the confidence to smile. The approach used toward treating discolored teeth or stained teeth depends on how healthy the teeth are and the cause of discoloration.  The two major options include veneers and tooth whitening.

Dental Veneers vs Teeth Whitening

The choice of which particular procedure that would be used to address aesthetic problems with teeth and gums depends on a number of factors: oral health status, lifestyle, food habits and financial considerations of patients. First comes a smile analysis which will check for various aesthetic and health issues. Errors include misshaped teeth, misalignment of teeth and gaps between teeth, and teeth that are yellow. In cases with these errors, dental veneers are generally recommended.

Veneers are thin shells of porcelain that can completely transform the appearance of teeth since these mask the majority of aesthetic problems. When it comes to teeth veneers, one consideration to make is staining and damage. Patients must take good care of porcelain veneers since they can break when chewing on hard food items. They can also stain when exposed to dark colored fluids like coffee and because of smoking. Once stained it is irreversible, so extra care must be taken to keep the veneers white.

Teeth whitening is a good option for those patience that do not have as many aesthetic concerns. Unlike the veneers there is no external material bonded to the surface of the tooth. Tooth whitening involves the clearing of stains from the porous enamel layer of the teeth. The brightness achieved through the tooth whitening depends on various factors including the thickness of the enamel layer and the nature of staining. Just like veneers, dark liquids and smoking will stain and ruin the appearance of the teeth over time.

If you want to schedule a time to consult with a dentist to discover what option for tooth whitening is best for you, call us at (909) 985-1966 to make an appointment at Upland Dental Group & Implant Center.
