Root Canal: Pain, Procedure, and Cost

Despite root canals being a fairly common dental procedure, most patients aren’t quite sure what exactly a root canal is or have questions around how much pain a root canal can cause. A root canal can generally refer to two things: the inner passages of the tooth between the pulp and the tooth roots and the dental procedure that removes infected material from the root canal to help relieve tooth pain. 

The root canal contains a number of nerves and blood vessels these nerves are responsible for sensing heat cold and other stimuli. Sometimes a nerve in an infected tooth must be removed to help treat the infection and tooth pain. 

What makes a root canal necessary?

There are a few common causes of root canal pain the top three include decay, damage, and disease. 

Tooth decay is caused by bacteria in the mouth penetrating the outer layers of the teeth and infecting the root canal causing root canal pain. Tooth damage includes cracks or chips in the teeth which allow bacteria to infiltrate the tooth and began multiplying thus infecting it.  An oral disease of any kind increases the risk for a root canal as the infection may spread to the tooth pulled and cause severe tooth decay. These factors can all be exacerbated by trauma to the teeth recent dental procedures large fillings and cracks or chips within the teeth. If your teeth pain is serious, your dentist may recommend a root canal.

How do I know if I need a root canal?

Not every kind of tooth pain is the same or necessarily calls for a root canal, however the signs of infection severe enough to require a root canal or various. Serious tooth pain when eating or whenever pressure is put on the tooth can be an indication. 

Additionally, sensitivity to hot or cold stimuli even after the stimuli has been removed may be a sign that a root canal is necessary. Other signs of tooth infection include a small pimple-like bump on the gums near the area of the tooth pain, darkening of the tooth, and tenderness or swelling of the gums near the tooth pain site.

What are the costs involved?

A root canal procedure on average costs about $350 for an incisor and at least $520 for a molar. The costs of these procedures vary depending on the severity of the infection what kind of dental professional who treats the problem where the dentist offices located and how much insurance will cover among other factors. It is important to check with your insurance first so you know what to expect to pay. However, as expensive as a root canal may seem it is many times less expensive than having the tooth removed and replaced with a dental implant.

The best way to save money on your oral health is to not need a root canal in the first place. Do this by maintaining a good daily oral health routine that includes brushing at least twice a day and flossing once a day.

How does root canal surgery happen? 

A root canal procedure generally has about five steps that involve removing the infected tooth pulp from the tooth and then sealing the tooth to protect it from future tooth pain and infection.

 First, your dental professional will take an x-ray to determine how extensive the infection is in your teeth. Next, you will be brought to the dentist chair and a local anesthetic will be administered to numb the area and prevent tooth pain during the procedure. A sheet of rubber called a rubber dam will be placed around the tooth to keep it dry.

 Then your dentist will drill a small access hole on the tooth and then use a set of special tools to extract the damaged pulp tissue and nerve. Once this material has been removed your dentist will either seal the tooth on that same date or place a temporary filling to protect you while a new crown is made. Sealing the tooth helps prevent future nerve damage and infection.

 Finally, a crown filling or other kind of tooth restoration will be placed and this completes the process of relieving a root canal pain. Many people who have undergone the procedure say that it is no worse than having a cavity filled.

 If you have more questions or want to arrange an appointment call Upland Dental Group & Implant Center in Upland, CA at (909) 985-1966 today.