Dental Implant

Ten Reasons Why You Should Choose Dental Implants

You may be familiar with full dentures, the most common restoration used for patients for those missing all their natural teeth. The only other alternative is a dental implant supported prosthesis. While removable dentures are usually the most inexpensive option for tooth replacement, they can be uncomfortable and inconvenient. Dental implants are a great option to consider!

If you are left with more questions, give Upland Dental Group & Implant Center in Upland, CA a call to speak with a dentist who can answer your questions. Call us at (909) 985-1966 to set up an appointment today.

10 Reasons to choose Dental Implants

  1. Improve your appearance

    Dental implant supported prostheses are a more natural option than removable dentures in appearance and more attractive. They look and feel just like natural teeth! Implants fuse to the bone, so that the prosthesis is permanent and non-removable. No worries about slippage either!

  2. Improved confidence

    Removable dentures can become loose and rock and cause embarrassment for the wearer. You can be confident with your dental implant supported prostheses that your teeth will not move and shift around. You can enjoy food, talk, and do all other regular activities with confidence and with no fear of embarrassment.

  3. Greater comfort and convenience

    Removable dentures can caused sore spots on the gum beneath them. With a dental implant supported prostheses there are no more sore spots. Removable dentures can be inconvenient because they need to be removed at night and cleaned. They require messy adhesives – all experiences that those with dental implants never have to worry about.

  4. Durability

    Teeth Implants have a high rate of success and durability. They last many years or even decades. As long as you keep them clean and maintained, you can expect them to last you a lifetime.

  5. Improve your ability to eat the foods you love

    Removable dentures can slide around while trying to do simple activities like eating and drinking, making once pleasurable activities complicated and an unhappy activity. The ability to chew foods improves dramatically with a dental implant. Removable dentures are only 25-25% as efficient as a person’s natural teeth! However, dental implant supported functions like natural teeth and are 80% as efficient.

  6. Improved Taste

    A full upper removable denture covers the roof of the mouth, making food more difficult to taste and to enjoy. An implant-supported prosthesis allows you to fully enjoy your food without compromising your ability to taste it.

  7. Improved Nutrition and Health

    Because you cannot eat as many foods, it can have an important impact on your nutrition and health. Removable dentures can prevent you from eating certain foods which are required to have a healthy, varied and nutrient-filled diet. Chewy, crunchy food, like most vegetables and fruits become very difficult to eat with removable dentures and become easy to eat with dental implant.

  8. Improve your ability to speak

    Removable dentures impede your ability to speak clearly and effectively. This can have an incredibly damaging effect on your quality of life. A dental implant supported prostheses can help you be able to speak clearly again, giving you your voice back.

  9. Reduce the chance of losing your dental prostheses

    Because a dental implant supported prostheses cannot be removed you never have to worry about losing it – unlike traditional dentures that can easily become lost or misplaced.

  10. Jaw bone growth

    Your jaw bone will grow around the implants, preserving your natural jaw shape. You can keep your smile and your face shape, something that removable dentures cannot do for you.

Call Upland’s #1 Dental Implant Dentists today to schedule a free consultation at (909) 985-1966!