Dental Implants

Invisalign Clear Braces

How does Invisalign Work to Straighten Teeth?

If you are interested in getting straighter teeth but you don’t want the inconvenience or the discomfort of wearing metal braces then Invisalign may present a great alternative. With Invisalign, you can avoid much of the inconvenience and embarrassment over wearing metal brackets that you would get with traditional braces. Invisalign uses translucent aligners that

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Dental Implant

Ten Reasons Why You Should Choose Dental Implants

You may be familiar with full dentures, the most common restoration used for patients for those missing all their natural teeth. The only other alternative is a dental implant supported prosthesis. While removable dentures are usually the most inexpensive option for tooth replacement, they can be uncomfortable and inconvenient. Dental implants are a great option

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